Rise Up and Awaken

Programs & Courses

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Awakening Authors the Mastermind


This Mastermind is more than a coaching program.

It is sacred community + support.

In this mastermind you will get to work directly with Keira who can support you in channeling your book.

Keira is a book medium and when she works directly with you on your book, she can support you in “hearing” your book and how it wants to be written.

As you work with Keira on channeling your book, you will write your book quickly and with ease.

This mastermind is also a place for women to connect, collaborate, celebrate and lift each other as authors and leaders.

When you join this community you will receive:

Six months of weekly group coaching sessions with Keira

Access to a community of powerful women who are passionate about bringing forward sacred books

Group healing work to activate transformation and ease with your book

Access to all of Keira’s digital courses

Your publishing fees covered for 1 book, and 50% off publishing on any other books you write in the mastermind

Monthly VIP days with Keira
Application only

Keira Poulsen wearing a white blouse and tan skirt stands at the mouth of a cave.jpg

THe Sacred Writing Mentorship


This mentorship is the only offer Keira has to work with her one on one.

The Sacred Writing Mentorship is a deep dive with Keira on channeling your book. Keira will activate her gifts as a book medium to support you in hearing, seeing and writing your book with quickness and ease.

In this mentorship you will receive:

6 months of weekly individual coaching sessions with Keira

You will learn all of the spiritual tools of sacred writing

You will get access to the healing codex Keira uses to help clear out any obstacles to your books completing.

Access to Keira’s monthly VIP days

Access to all of Keira’s digital courses

50% off of publishing for ALL of books that you write during your Mentorship


The Sacred Writing Accelerator VIP day


These VIP days are here to support you in the sacred tools + healing work.

You will receive:

2.5 hours with Keira and a group of authors via Zoom

Keira will guide you through a healing codex (this changes according to the needs of the group)

Sacred Writing time

The Sacred Writing Accelerator Program Logo

The 90-day Sacred Accelerator Program


This program will guide you on:

Learning Spiritual Tools of Sacred Writing

Healing Codexes led by Keira to help clear out the resistance, self-doubt and obstacles.

Weekly FOCUS classes to support you in setting aside time to write your book

When you write and finish your book in 90 days, you will have the opportunity to apply to be a published author with Freedom House Publishing Co.

Sacred Writing Retreats Logo

Sacred Writing Retreats


Keira hosts a few retreats a year designed to support you in sacred writing. At these retreats you will:

Access to one on one time with Keira supporting you in channeling your book

Access to healing work and ceremonies with a powerful Shaman

Sacred writing time

Healing codexes led by Keira

Nourishing and healing locations to support the powerful work at each retreat

Join the next Sacred Writing Retreat held in Zion’s, Utah. May 12-15, 2022.


7 Days of Sacred Space Training


This course will guide you on:

How to locate a sacred space in your home

How to energetically cleanse the space

How to spiritually prepare and dedicate your sacred space

How to create a sacred space practice


The Awaken Program


Healing is essential to bringing forward Sacred Books. This program will guide you through creating your own daily healing practice.

This course will teach you a daily healing practice and guide you on: 

How to do a 10-minute daily healing practice

A deep dive into each energetic chakra within your body

A guide on what essential oils to use connected to each chakra

Tools to help you clear out the energetic and emotional messes that keep you stuck

Healing tools to help you with physical and emotional ailments